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Generate Your Resume Summary

When you’re diving into the job market with limited experience, writing a strong resume is key to landing your dream job. A well-written resume starts with a resume summary—the elevator pitch that shows the reader your greatest accomplishments, skills, and passions. A beginner summary for your resume is the starting point to wow-ing the hiring team and proving you’re the best candidate for the job.

An entry-level or beginner resume isn’t about listing everything you’ve accomplished or can do. Instead, it’s a strategic dance of weaving together your enthusiasm, soft skills, and unique experience. Then, you connect it to the job description and what the hiring manager is looking for.

What you’ll learn:

  • What a resume summary is.
  • The critical components of a resume summary.
  • Step-by-step instructions on how to write an entry-level or beginner summary for resumes.
  • Examples and templates of successful resume summaries.

Understanding the resume summary for beginners

Your resume summary is a snapshot of your professional life—only 3 to 5 sentences—curated with each job description in mind. Job seekers include their professional title, years of experience, skills, and measurable achievements to entice the recruiter to read the rest of the resume.

As you navigate the job search, you’ll see how your resume summary is one of the most valuable sections of your resume.

What is an entry-level resume summary?

When you’re an entry-level applicant, the snapshot summary likely isn’t full of accolades, impactful accomplishments, or advanced skills. Rather, an effective resume summary for a beginning job seeker highlights an eagerness to learn, adaptability, and growth potential.

For entry-level applicants, “It’s not just about bullet points and job titles; it’s about weaving together the threads of your journey, painting a picture of resilience, ambition, and growth,” says Harleny Vasquez, a visionary Career Coach and CEO of yourEVOLVEDmind. “It’s a chance to showcase not just what you’ve done, but who you are and where you’re headed. Each section is a story, each accomplishment a milestone on the path you’ve forged with passion and purpose.”

The purpose of an entry-level summary

A professional summary is the attention-grabbing highlight reel. A successful summary keeps the hiring team reading your resume to learn more about you. In a hot job market where standing out is critical, resume summaries can be a positive differentiator.

Resume summaries provide key context to your resume. It helps the hiring manager frame your candidacy in their mind—they learn why you’re applying, how your skill set translates to the job, and key accomplishments that show you off in the best light. Many other applicants are jumping from the resume headline into the work experience, losing out on the opportunity to capture the hiring team right away.

Want to see examples of resume summaries for any stage of your career? Read 86+ Resume Summary Examples to Inspire You

Resume summary vs. objective

Resume summary and resume objective are often used interchangeably, but the two are very different. They serve different purposes and are used to convey different types of information.

Resume objective

A resume objective states your career goals and the type of position you are seeking. It is forward-looking and focuses on what you want to achieve in your career.

Primarily, it includes your career aspirations and what you aim to contribute to the employer.

For example, a resume objective could say something like:

Seeking a position as a Marketing Coordinator to utilize my skills in digital marketing and content creation in a dynamic, growth-oriented company.

Recruiters and career coaches argue against the resume objective because it’s more focused on the applicant, rather than the company you’re applying to.

Kelli Hrivnak, Founder of the boutique recruitment firm, Knack Digital shares, “I never like to see a resume objective on a resume. An employer is seeking an employee who will solve their problem, as opposed to prioritizing the wants and needs of the applicant.”

Jazlyn Unbedacht, Resume Writer and LinkedIn Optimizer argues we should just get rid of resume objectives altogether. “I’m not sure why they ever were a thing to begin with. Harness expertise from other experiences in your life, like education, volunteer work, hobby pursuits, and more and use that to create a short summary of what you can bring to the table as an employee.”

Resume summary

A resume summary provides a brief overview of your professional background, highlighting your key achievements and skills. It is backward-looking, summarizing what you have already accomplished in your career.

The short paragraph includes your key qualifications, experience, and major achievements. A summary is designed to quickly give employers an idea of your expertise and the value you can bring to their organization.

Resume summary

Many entry-level applicants and those writing beginner summaries for their resumes tend to default to objectives. They worry they have nothing impressive to highlight in their summary.

But Kelli Hrivnak urges you to think outside the box. “For job seekers who don’t have relevant work experience, can you include other experience or skills acquired in your project work instead?”

For example, Kelli suggests writing something like:

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Resume Summary Example

Google-certified Marketing graduate with 4 months of experience as an Audience Development intern at a nationally recognized publication firm. Grew audience engagement on Facebook by 30% by developing social strategy and initiatives.

Key pieces of a beginner resume summary

Think of your resume summary like a formula. Just like a math equation has values that you need to solve the problem, your resume summary has critical components that make it impactful to the hiring team.

Follow the formula below to write a standout summary:

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Resume Summary Template

Versatile [Your Professional Title] with over [X Years] of experience in [Field/Role]. Skilled in [Skill 1], [Skill 2], and [Skill 3]. Proven success in [Measurable Accomplishment 1] and [Measurable Accomplishment 2].

Tailor your resume summary

You can’t write your resume summary once and use it for every application. Your resume—including the summary—should be tailored to each job description.

To tailor your resume summary, you should read the job description closely and pick out keywords and skills to integrate into your resume. This process can take a few hours per job posting, but you can do it quickly with Jobscan’s resume optimization tools.

If you don’t have a resume and are starting from scratch, the Resume Builder tool can help you create a base resume, then you can move directly into Power Edit to tailor your resume to the job description.

tips on how to write a job description section on a resume that's tailored for a job

Quantify your achievements

Numbers and percentages showing time or money saved, revenue generated, or team members managed can show the hiring team how you help an organization thrive, rather than telling them what you’ve done.

For example, you can write:

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Boosted sales by 30% through innovative product displays and promotions, and successfully managed inventory turnover, reducing excess stock by 20%.

Use Power Words and Action Verbs

Boring word choices make it easy for the hiring team to gloss over your resume. Inspire emotion and paint a picture with the words you use. Ditch common resume words and use more powerful words instead.


  • Directed
  • Executed
  • Supported


  • Managed
  • Worked
  • Helped

Discover the best power words and action verbs to integrate into your resume: 500 Action Verbs to Use on Your Resume Today

Step-by-step guide to writing an entry-level resume summary

Even if you know the resume summary formula, how can you ensure you’re making a successful impact on the hiring team? There are a handful of steps you can follow to knock your resume summary out of the park every time.

Step 1: Do a self-assessment

Before you write your resume summary, you first have to have a firm understanding of your strengths, skill set, and achievements. Take time to think about a few dimensions of your professional journey.

Using education in your resume summary

Consider your degrees or certifications and any projects and coursework. If you’re short on hands-on experience, using experience from school or other learning can show off your experience and professional growth.

Draw on untraditional experience for your resume summary

When you’re writing a beginner summary for your resume, your experience is limited. But you can draw on volunteer work, part-time jobs, clubs, or even hobbies to link to skills the hiring manager is looking for.

Highlight your transferable skills in your summary

At the start of your career, highlight your transferable skills—or soft skills. These skills are interpersonal skills or behavioral traits you bring to every workplace. Unlike hard skills—job-specific technical skills—transferable skills are difficult to measure, but they’re still incredibly valuable at work.

Add metrics to your resume summary

Numbers and figures show concrete impact and quantify your contributions to an organization. You can use time-based metrics, efficiency metrics, growth comparisons, and more. If you’re a new grad or entering employment for the first time, draw on your other experiences of clubs, school, or volunteering to make an impact.

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Entry-Level Resume Summary Metric Example

Increased readership by 15% during tenure as Editor-in-Chief of university magazine.

For more insights about adding metrics to your resume, read 67 Resume Accomplishments Examples to Show Your Value

Step 2: Conduct your research

To create an effectively optimized resume, you need to conduct research about the role, company, and industry.

  • Dive deep into the job description: The job description always has insights into the responsibilities and qualities of the role. Often, there are details about the company’s values.
  • Add the right keywords: By integrating keywords in your resume summary tailored to the company’s mission and values, you can make a powerful impression on the hiring team.
  • Familiarize yourself with industry keywords, skills, and tools: Stay up to date on evolving trends and tools in your field to position yourself as the strongest candidate.
Expert Tip

Power Edit features AI technology that not only scans your resume for keywords and skills, but provides ideas you can use to integrate them into your resume seamlessly.

Step 3: Draft your entry-level resume summary

Writing your beginner resume summary for an entry-level role can feel daunting, but you have more to offer an employer beyond traditional work experience. Think beyond your past roles and draw on other experiences to show off your value as a candidate.

Remember, you can use the following template to guide your writing:

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Versatile [Your Professional Title] with over [X Years] of experience in [Field/Role]. Skilled in [Skill 1], [Skill 2], and [Skill 3]. Proven success in [Measurable Accomplishment 1] and [Measurable Accomplishment 2].

Start with a strong introduction sentence

The first sentence needs to capture attention, so choose strong power verbs and open with the information you need the hiring manager to know.

Some examples of powerful resume summary openers include:

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Recent graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from XYZ University, where I maintained a 3.8 GPA. Proven leadership skills as the President of the Business Club, organizing events attended by over 200 students. Passionate about project management, I completed a capstone project that improved campus event efficiency by 25%. Seeking an entry-level role in business operations.

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Enthusiastic computer science graduate with hands-on experience in developing mobile apps as a hobby, resulting in over 10,000 downloads on the Google Play Store. Skilled in Java, Python, and Swift, with a keen interest in UI/UX design. Looking to leverage my self-taught programming skills and creativity in an entry-level software development position.

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Dedicated environmental science graduate with a strong background in community service, having volunteered over 300 hours with the Green Earth Initiative. Led a tree-planting campaign that resulted in 1,000 new trees being planted in urban areas. Highly organized and committed to sustainability, seeking to start a career in environmental consulting.

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Diligent Marketing graduate with over two years of part-time retail experience at ABC Store, where I consistently exceeded sales targets by 15%. Recognized for excellent customer service and awarded ‘Employee of the Month’ twice. Eager to apply my sales and marketing skills in an entry-level marketing role.

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Versatile communications graduate with a strong foundation in public speaking and writing, honed through coursework and as a volunteer tutor at the local literacy center. Part-time experience as a social media coordinator, where I increased engagement by 40% across platforms. Adept at content creation and community engagement, seeking a role in public relations.

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Recent graduate with a Bachelor’s in Kinesiology, combining academic excellence with leadership as the captain of the university soccer team. Coordinated training schedules and team-building activities, leading to a 30% improvement in team performance. Passionate about health and fitness, aiming to start a career in sports management.

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Ambitious psychology graduate with hands-on research experience, having assisted in a faculty-led study on cognitive behavior that was published in a peer-reviewed journal. Strong analytical and statistical skills, with proficiency in SPSS. Seeking an entry-level research assistant role to further develop my expertise in psychological research.

Integrate keywords from the job description

A keyword-rich resume summary boosts your chances of showing up in ATS search results. The ATS, or applicant tracking system, houses every submitted resume for a job listing. When the hiring team looks for candidates to interview, the ATS helps them rank applicants based on keywords and skills from the job description.

“A professional summary is an amazing resource to optimize your resume with keywords and catch an employer’s attention,” claims Professional Resume Writer, Jazlyn Unbedacht.

Jobscan’s Power Edit can find keywords in the job description and help you find places to naturally integrate keywords. Below you can find an example of a keyword-rich resume summary example for inspiration.

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Example of a Keyword-Rich Resume Summary

Creative marketing graduate with strong skills in social media management and content creation. Successfully managed a university campaign that boosted social media engagement by 30%. Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite and familiar with SEO strategies. Seeking an entry-level marketing position to leverage creativity and analytical skills to support brand growth.

Expert Tip

Avoid keyword stuffing. Adding keywords for the sake of having them can have a negative impact. If your summary isn’t authentic or personal and feels forced, your summary can be difficult to read. Strike a balance by finding other resume sections to integrate keywords.

Highlight your strengths

Your resume summary is the ideal place to humbly brag about your accomplishments. Stay honest and avoid embellishing, but put your best foot forward to make it impossible for the hiring manager not to invite you for an interview.

For example, include projects, assignments, or internships to make your beginner resume summary shine.

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Natural leader and recent graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Management, achieving a 3.8 GPA. Led a student project team to complete a market analysis that was presented to local businesses, resulting in increased partnerships. Proficient in project management and team coordination. Seeking an entry-level management position to apply leadership and strategic planning skills to contribute to organizational success.

Use a resume summary generator

Include a resume summary, even when you have writer’s block. The resume summary generator in premium Power Edit can write the perfect resume summary, using content from your resume and keywords from the job description.

Here’s how it works.

If you don’t have a resume summary, you can go into the Editor and click “Generate Summary.” Using AI, the tool will write a customized resume summary highlighting all your key skills and accomplishments for the job. The AI draws on your education, skills, work experience, and certifications to create a tailored resume summary in seconds.

screenshot of the resume summary generator tool in Jobscan's Power Edit

You can use the generated summary, or rephrase the summary until you find the variation you like best.

screenshot of resume summary generator in jobscan's Power Edit

By the end, you’ll have an optimized resume to impress the hiring team and boost your chances of getting an interview invite.

Defeat resume writer’s block

Generate your resume summary in seconds with Power Edit and create a perfectly tailored resume for each job application.

Generate your resume summary in seconds

Beginner summary for resume: Examples

Resume summary based on education

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Recent high school graduate with a 3.8 GPA and a passion for technology. Completed a capstone project in computer science, developing an app that improved classroom attendance tracking by 20%. Seeking to apply technical skills and problem-solving abilities in a software development role.

Resume summaries based on volunteering

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Enthusiastic volunteer with over 150 hours dedicated to community service at local food banks and shelters. Organized weekly meal distributions, aiding over 500 families. Passionate about social work and eager to contribute to a supportive team environment.

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Multilingual individual fluent in English, Spanish, and French, with experience volunteering as a translator at community events. Assisted over 100 individuals in accessing services. Seeking to leverage language skills in a customer service or administrative role.

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Community-focused graduate with a 3.9 GPA and extensive volunteer experience at local non-profits. Organized community clean-up events, improving local park conditions by 15%. Eager to bring organizational and community engagement skills to a professional setting.

Resume summaries based on certifications

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Certified in Basic First Aid and CPR, with hands-on experience from part-time babysitting jobs. Known for reliability and excellent communication with parents. Managed schedules and provided educational activities for children, seeking to bring caregiving skills to a full-time position.

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Certified in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript through online courses. Developed a personal website showcasing photography projects, increasing online portfolio traffic by 40%. Seeking to apply web development skills in a tech-related role.

Resume summary focused on extracurricular activities

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Team-oriented individual with leadership experience as captain of the high school soccer team. Led the team to two state championships and organized weekly training sessions. Seeking to leverage leadership and teamwork skills in a dynamic work environment.

Learn how to incorporate extracurricular activities into your resume and read: Top Extracurricular Activities to Add to Your Resume (Samples)

Resume summary based on a mix of experience

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Motivated recent graduate with a 4.0 GPA and a strong foundation in customer service from part-time work at a retail store. Volunteered at local animal shelter, managing 2 adoption events per month, increasing adoption rate by 15%. Eager to apply multitasking abilities and customer service skills to a professional role.

Resume summaries based on creative projects

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Creative content creator with experience in managing a personal blog, growing its readership to 1,000 monthly visitors. Developed strong writing and content creation skills. Seeking to bring creativity and attention to detail to a marketing or content creation role.

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Artistic graduate with experience in graphic design, having completed online courses in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. Designed promotional materials for school events, increasing attendance by 25%. Excited to bring artistic skills to a design or marketing team.

Resume summary based on sports activities

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Dedicated and disciplined athlete with experience in competitive swimming. Managed rigorous training schedules while maintaining a 3.8 GPA. Developed time management and resilience, aiming to apply these skills in a professional setting.

Resume summaries based on academics

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Recent graduate with honors in Mathematics, achieving top marks in advanced calculus and statistics courses. Participated in math competitions, placing in the top 10 regionally. Seeking to apply analytical and quantitative skills in a data analysis role.

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STEM enthusiast with a strong academic background in physics and chemistry. Completed a science fair project on renewable energy, earning first place at the district level. Seeking to apply analytical and research skills in a scientific or engineering role.

Resume summary based on part-time work

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Passionate about fitness and health, with part-time experience as a gym assistant. Assisted with client schedules and maintained equipment, enhancing customer satisfaction survey results to a 4.7 star average rating. Looking to bring organizational skills and passion for health to a fitness-related role.

Resume summary based on leadership in clubs

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Active member of the debate club with strong public speaking and research skills. Led the team to win regional championships and mentored new members. Looking to utilize leadership and communication skills in a challenging work environment.


What is a summary statement for a resume for a beginner?

A summary statement for a resume is a brief introduction that highlights your key skills, experiences, and what you aim to achieve in your career. For a beginner, this statement should focus on your education, any relevant skills, internships, volunteer work, and a clear career goal. It provides a snapshot of who you are and what you bring to the table, making it easier for hiring managers to quickly see your potential.

“Recent Marketing graduate with a strong foundation in social media management, content creation, and data analysis. Proven ability to increase engagement and brand visibility through innovative strategies, increasing social media followers by 30% in six months. Seeking to leverage skills and knowledge to contribute to a dynamic marketing team.”

How should I start my summary for my resume?

The beginning of your resume summary should immediately grab the reader’s attention. Start with a strong descriptor followed by your job title, relevant experience, or education. Mention a few key skills or achievements that align with the job you’re applying for.

“Highly motivated and results-oriented Computer Science graduate with hands-on experience in software development and database management. Skilled in Java, Python, and SQL, with a passion for developing efficient and scalable solutions. Developed a web application that improved process efficiency by 25%.”

What is a good resume profile summary?

A good resume profile summary is concise, focused, and tailored to the job description. It should clearly state your professional identity, highlight your key strengths and achievements, and convey your career aspirations. Use action words and quantify achievements whenever possible to make a stronger impact.

“Certified Project Manager with over 5 years of experience in leading cross-functional teams to deliver complex projects on time and within budget. Expert in Agile methodologies, risk management, and process optimization. Successfully managed a project portfolio worth $2 million, achieving a 95% on-time delivery rate.”

How do I introduce myself in a resume summary?

Introducing yourself in a resume summary involves providing a brief yet comprehensive overview of who you are professionally. Start with your current role or recent educational achievement, followed by your most relevant skills and a statement of your career goals.

“Enthusiastic and creative Graphic Designer with a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts and 2 years of experience in creating visually compelling digital and print media. Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite, with a keen eye for detail and a strong commitment to delivering high-quality work. Designed marketing materials that boosted client sales by 15%. Looking to contribute my design expertise to a forward-thinking company.”

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Kelsey Purcell

Kelsey is a Content Writer with a background in content creation, bouncing between industries to educate readers everywhere.

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